Printable Elf Props - easy elf ideas 2024!
Looking for some new ideas to do with the Elf? Have a browse through our handy elf printables and set up some mischief at home this December!
Would You Rather - Elf style!
Simply print and cut out the list and sit it with your Elf ready to play a quick game of Elf would you rather! Easy elf fun that will have the little ones giggling - great to get a little bit of reading in too!
Elf is putting on a show and set up the drums!
Simply print and cut out the 'Rock and Snowll' label and wrap it around a tin can. Set Elf up with some drum sticks and the music sheets. Sit other toys around to watch the show. It's the Jingle Bell Rock!
North Pole snowball target practise!
Elves love training for the North Pole Snowball Team - how many points can you score on our snowball target practise printable. Roll up some paper balls or use cotton wool. Scatter the snowballs around Elf and the target. Print and cut out the holes for the snowballs to go through.
Elf mischief with photo frame props!
Elves can be so cheeky! Do you have family photos around the home? Print these cheeky elf props and stick them with blu tack to your frames. Is that Elf sat by the frame giggling? A quick easy idea that will make little ones laugh.